Get our experienced consultants to develop your upcoming cocktail menu.

Copenhagen Cocktail Academy have developed cocktails for a myriad of customers,
everything from hotels, restaurants, bars, cafes and major brands within hospitality.

Bartendere vi benytter er altid en del af vores faste team og vores nye talenter.

Hvert år uddanner vi 15-20 nye bartendere der får en grundig faglig uddannelse, samt masser af teknisk og praktisk træning.

De dygtigste fra hvert kuld beholder vi selv, indtil de søger videre ind på de eksklusive cocktailbarer i København.

Lejlighedsvis er vi så privilegeret, at bartendere søger tilbage igen, eller at der kommer erfarne kræfter udefra, der bare gerne vil lave gode cocktails til vores kunder.

Budget og kvalitet hænger sammen når man planlægger cocktail arrangementer.

Vi har et nøje udvalg af cocktails med kvalitetspiritus, mobil bar, friske råvarer, lækre cocktailglas, Hoshizaki isterninger, professionelle bartendere og grundig planlægning.

Vi beregner et tilbud baseret på antal gæster, og antal timer der skal køres service, eller vi kan lave et skræddersyet tilbud.


We first look at what concept we are dealing with, after which we do a due diligence.

Here, cost price, sales price, and which products and cocktail style you want to work with are discussed.

A cocktail menu can be as quick and easy delivered as it can the opposite. Sure, we are ambitious, but we are not too fine to do quickly and easily if desired.

In many cases, it can be difficult to know everything from the beginning.

Here we can draw on our enormous experience, which is described in our exciting cases, which you can explore here, among other things.


We know how important trust is when leaving your business to others.

Therefore, we like to start with an analysis and review of the current cocktail menu, or assessment of the vision that one may have.

For this, we will determine the success criteria, and advise on the direction needed to hit the spot in the guests’ minds and taste buds.

A large part of our professional approach is to ensure that our efforts hold water.

We therefore always strive to make agreements of longer duration.

We do this to continuously supervise and ensure success with the implementation of the material, and that the team that serves the menu feels safe

The staff is thoroughly dressed, and we are happy to help with the visual expression, photo, video and marketing.

As a regular part of menu development, we have in-house mystery customers who ensure the quality of our work when we are not there ourselves.

We always plan the follow-up meeting so that we can adapt any details or recipes that may not have been desired.


Shall we board your next menu?